Saturday, May 28, 2011

Good Changes

Is it really Memorial Day weekend?  Wow, time flies when you're having fun!  The ninos are so excited to be getting out of prison, er, I mean school next week.  We've been on countdown since March (yes, really, we have!) as GiGi has tremendously looked forward to this time.  "Only 52 days until school is out..."
They have been so ready to do whatever they want, which usually involves getting “bored” by exactly three days into summer break!  Today is an especially fun day, as our community pool finally opens up, and they can swim to their little heart’s content.  Even Sophi , who is constantly asking to go to the beach, so she can “dig,” is happy about the pool.  Bunch of fishy kids – they could live in the water.
The Mexican Daddy got home safely last night from his crazy short and stressful trip to Sierra Vista, and we are so glad to have him back.  Probably a good thing he has not been called to travel at this time in our family’s life, as we are all far too clingy and needy with him to handle it well.  We are believing for the job he interviewed for there, even though he has other upcoming interviews.  This job would put the move at mid to late June.
I have been slowly weaning off my busy and beautiful life here in Katy, out of preparation for the clarity we have in time frame now, and just in wisdom for the “rush” of final move prep.  I am no longer working at Autumn Grove, or volunteering with the wonderful people of God at the Chuckwagon ministry.  Oh, how I will miss those beautiful feet!!!
My business is growing, mainly online through the website, skype, social media, etc.  It is exciting to be working with clients now, as I know this program will impact their lives for the better.  I am in permanent training as God has placed powerful mentors in my path to teach me the way of the internet business/ministry, and to pour into my life personally…oh, how faithful He is!
Be blessed,
This Mexican Wife is!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Best Weekend Ever!

My kids are so happy to be off for the holiday today – with the extra stress of cramming for the upcoming TAKS test at school, today came just in time!  The weather is so perfect here in Katy today, warm and toasty, but with a cool breeze blowing through.  So we started our three day weekend off right, out in the garden and front yard, adding colorful impatiens to our growing collection of spring beauties.  Then we planted the rest of our herbs, adding dill, cilantro, and basil to our “edibles” garden.  After some fun in the early morning sun, we started breakfast.
Breakfast on the weekends at our house is always a big deal, since there is time to not only create, but enjoy, a fuller spread than on rushed weekday mornings.  So as I prepared yet another version of my “healthy” iced coffee for us, and started flipping low-sugar pancakes, my seven year old daughter GiGi exclaimed, “Mom, this is the best weekend ever!”
She has been looking forward to this weekend for many reasons (she knows there will be an egg hunt on Sunday!), but the simplest reason has already been the most rewarding for her – I promised her iced coffee!  She asked for it all week, but I just didn’t think it would be right to send her off to first grade, hopped up on full strength coffee.  So I told her to wait until the weekend, and now we’re here, and her craving is satisfied.  Her proclamation of the “best weekend” is also tied to the fact that she doesn’t love school right now, so she realized this morning that she’s already having this much fun, and “it isn’t even Saturday yet!”
 That is what I love about kids, and the way they see life – all it takes sometimes is pancakes and iced coffee to make their day.  The best things in life really are free – when you’re seven!  These are the things that really matter, aren’t they?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Eyes of the World

My distaste for technology may be due to the fact that I grew up in the country, no access to the outside world through telephone, internet, or television.  My kids are aghast as I tell them the story of Mommy’s techie-less childhood, pity filling their eyes as I speak of a life isolated.  Even as I try to reassure them that I liked it that way, they shake their heads in disbelief, appalled that their grandparents would submit my siblings and I to a life without the windows of the world looking in.
                That’s correct, you heard me right – no TV, no WII, no DVD player, a Blueray thingamajig.  No internet access, no cell phones – heck, no phone at all!  We lived in the “boondocks” as Dad lovingly called them, dry, harsh desert lands just north of the Mexico – Arizona border.  Eight siblings, we were each other’s best frenemies.  We were fierce kids, smart kids, and always healthy kids.  The outdoors was our playground, and living in the country, there was plenty enough for everyone!  We ran, built forts, kept pets, caught lizards, and rode our bikes everywhere. 
Then one year, our innocence was interrupted, and we became the new owners of a much-loved Nintendo game console.  It came into our lives when I was about thirteen, and from that point on, we suffered from “Mario addiction.”  I can still whistle the theme music…doo doo doo, doo doo do doood!  After a couple of weeks, though, the novelty of it wore off, and we were soon back outside – running and romping and creating.
That was my only brush with technology and its power as a child – and I sometimes envy those innocent days of ignorant bliss.  Fast forward to today – I run a full-fledged internet business, happily most days, frustratingly on others.  I continue to believe in the usefulness of Facebook, Twitter and texting for communication purposes and business networking – though NONE of those programs are my friend.  I am unceasingly surprised at the openness of folks on the internet, and especially appalled at what comes out of the mouths, err, keyboards – of “Christians” across the net, especially on Facebook!  Call me old-fashioned, and you bet your bippie, you’d be right.  Call me a prude – right again!  Chalk it all up to growing up in a home where our mother’s jaw would drop if one of us said “deodorant” in “mixed” company!
I guess my point to all this jibber jabber is that I wonder where the personal discretion has gone.  Yes, I get it – technology is here to stay, it’s a good thing for business and growth, yada yada.  I am finally getting pretty excited about that opportunity, too.  My question is just this – with the eyes of the world upon us Christians in a more highly exposed way than ever before, what are we going to do with this opportunity?
I’m not by any means suggesting we put a Scripture on every Facebook post, or use Twitter to put 140 character mini-sermons into cyberspace!  I am merely questioning the usage of what is before us as a tool to reach dozens, no hundreds – actually, thousands for Christ!  Not just in a “Holy” way, but in tangible ways, too.  What about just being a positive encourager on the web?  Maybe just keeping some “moods” and anger issues at “you know who’s” at bay, or even privately deal with them before God rather than on the world-wide web!  I don’t know, I’m “just sayin!” 
I guess I have to realize that my kids are growing up in a time very different than my own childhood.  I don’t fear for them though, they serve the same God I did!  I just want them to use what is before them as a tool for Kingdom purposes, rather than a stress buster or mood releaser for themselves.  I just want them to realize that there are consequences for everything we do, including for what we know to do, and then choose not to do!  I guess I just want them to remember, online and off, that the eyes of the world are upon them. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Outside Fun in Katy This Spring

Getting outside in Katy this spring has been easy, due to the gorgeous weather and lack of offensive insects. As the grass and trees are turning green and “coming alive” again, the instinctual internal urge in some of us to get out and get dirty has taken over. Both Juan and I are nature lovers, and I guess the kids inherited our love (or adapted to it.) They are outside everyday now, leaving the long, dark days of winter behind them.
Riding their bicycles, catching frogs, blowing bubbles, playing with sidewalk chalk, and helping us garden are the activities of the day now. The hillbillies that my kids are, bare feet and comfortable is the dress code. I’m soaking it up. My fondest childhood memories are wrapped around similar activities with my parents at the farm in Illinois. We caught frogs, too, and ran wild in the green grass, dug in the dirt with my gardening mama, and re-entered a warmer world every spring, just free to be.
So this weekend, when I rallied the family lawn crew to help cut, trim, sweep, and plant, the kids squealed in delight and argued over who got to do what. We were all out there, our man Daddy pushing the mower and manning the trimmer. Jovanni was master yard cleanup foreman, and the girls just giggled and swept. Even Sophi had fun “helping.”
It is fun to see last year’s bulbs reappear as fresh new spears of potential color. The new flowers are settling in, and their blooms are vibrant pinks, purples, and oranges as they have begun “liking’ their new home. The grass is thick and beautiful, and the new avocado and lime trees are sprouting new growth and even blooming. The hyacinth is the queen beauty, showing off her big, tropical pink-orange blooms.

Between the kids and the plants, I guess you could say we’re all one happy, growing family!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trying to Plan as God Laughs

If you have been missing my regular weekly postings on here, I apologize.  I’ve had a little bit more excitement than I like in the Blanco household lately, and am looking forward to some down time soon!  We are in a weird phase of our lives right now, as we wait on the Lord for Juan’s job situation (no word yet on anything!), the sale of our home (we’re still hoping we won’t have to sell and move!) and potential move.  It’s so strange to not know anything.
It’s been real growth for me though, as I tend to want to know where, when, and how constantly!  I want to plan (are we supposed to plant our citrus trees, or do we wait?)  and I want to enroll the kids in activities.  I want to know where the kids are attending school this fall, and…
Well, as I try to plan, God laughs.  No, He’s not laughing at me, necessarily, He’s laughing softly with me.  He’s amused by my innocent bewilderment, and as I surrender (again and again!) to His will, His plan, and His desires for me, I cry.  I cry tears of relief, for He really does have it all under control.  I cry tears of anger at myself for losing my way again.  I cry tears of joy, for He brings me joy.  I am once again found by Him in the middle of the wilderness, and He plucks me out of it and sets me down in the oasis for a cool drink of water.
Wow, He’s good.  All the time.  Even when I’m not!  He’s always good. 
Just a couple of days ago, when the emotional pressure of the above issue and a few others that come with running a home based business while raising four kids was growing unbearable, I broke.  I was in my bathroom, and I was having a talk with God (at the sink, in case you were getting grossed out, although the bathroom does tend to be my place of sanity and the ONLY place I can get alone!)  Anyway, he was so loving to me as I had my mini-breakdown.  He spoke to me so softly.
"Bess, why are you worrying?"  That was all He said, and all He had to say, because that was enough as the conviction rushed over me.  Scripture came to me, reminding me that I was not supposed to worry, but be in faith and trust Him.  Oh, that was a good moment with Him!
How has He been good to you this week?  God bless you, my dear friends and family, as you journey this never dull, and always rewarding road with our God!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our Prodigal Puppy

We call Lacey our miracle puppy.  Our family has loved this dog since the summer of 2009, and she is officially a member of the Blanco family.  She was a treasure to find, and has been a blessing to keep, but those aren’t the real reasons she’s our miracle.
Last month, she was not wearing a collar and name tag, and she did the inevitable.  She ran out while one of us was putting out the trash, and none of us noticed.  We didn’t notice the rest of the night that she was gone, either.  We didn’t even notice the next morning (a Saturday) until Daddy asked us where she was.  After calling for her and whistling (which usually brings her bounding to us within a few seconds) we began to realize with horror that she was gone.  I began to panic as I realized the reality of the situation.  It had been a hard freeze the night before, and I hadn’t even noticed my puppy was gone!  Because she was not wearing a tag, if someone did find her, they couldn’t call!
I was in tears by the time my son Jovanni and I were driving the neighborhood in the mini-van.  I was an emotional mess, due to my sadness, panic, and tremendous guilt that I hadn’t even noticed she was missing the night before.  After a few moments of trying to console me, my mature son straightened up in the passenger seat and declared, “OK, Mom, you can cry.  I’m gonna pray that God helps us find her.”
That’s exactly what he did.  He prayed a heartfelt, passionate prayer in full belief that God would honor his request.  Then he told me, “Mom, let’s go back home, I feel like she’s close to our house.”  I kept quiet, but obediently turned the van around, all while mentally picturing my Yorkie, dead, in one of the neighborhood bayous.
Jovanni and his sister Isabella took off on their bikes, stopping and knocking on every door close to our house, while I made a “wanted” poster with my puppy’s picture on it.  I began to tape it up to the street poles, stop signs, and mail boxes in our neighborhood.  Three cul-de-sacs down from our house, as I was taping up a sign, I heard a shrill bark form the garage of the house right in front of me.  Could that be Lacey?  No, I must be imagining it!  I called out, and whistled.  Now she really started making noise!
That kind lady had put Lacey up for the frozen night in her garage, but now willingly gave her back to me.  I took my shaken puppy home, and yelled for Jovanni and Isabella to come see.  The prodigal puppy was found, and as we tousled and played with our baby again, I gazed with pride on my son.  He looked at me, grinning, and now I cried healthy tears in appreciation for a son who acted in faith.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Living With Intention - A Call From God

This post is for the precious few people who read my blog and faithfully support me!  I am writing today to let you know what Juan and I have been working on for a while now, and are ready to launch into cyberspace soon!  It is a new interactive website with opportunity to grow and involve more resources and individuals as time goes on.
It has been impressed on our spirits recently, more and more to "get ready."  Ready, not just for Christ's return, but He has been teaching us how to ready ourselves for our life here on this beautiful earth he has given us.  We’re learning how to pursue His best for us; in body, soul and Spirit.  He has been talking to us through His Word on letting go of our "stuff," downsizing our previous priorities, and tightening our belts in our finances and food!
We are on an exciting journey of training - for His call on our lives as a family.  I used to think only of MY call from Him, like it was just something special for me, and the kids would figure theirs out when they graduated high school!  Juan and I have had some major revelations recently, as we're realizing that our children ARE our calling, that this life in this place right now IS our calling, and that what He has us doing today is as vitally important to our journey as anything else.  Even when that is eating healthier, spending less, clearing clutter, learning how to give... REALLY give, and exercising more!  I'm learning to give up my time, my efforts, my creativity for Him - it's all His, anyway - I didn't give these gifts to myself!
So we invite you to join us on this journey.  Join us as we get ready for more with Him.  As we ready ourselves in strength and health, clear minds and spirits, clean homes and hearts - an all around lifestyle change for Him!  We're calling it The Intentional Lifestyle.  It is a fresh take on the classic instructions found in the Bible for how to live our lives; with purpose and passion and walking in His love towards others.  There is so much He has for us, we just have to step up and receive it - in faith.
Please visit our new website, sign up for our newsletter, browse our articles and ideas.  There will be new material posted almost every day, as the ideas flow and the inspiration hits!  Are you ready to fulfill His great calling for your life?  Do you want to change anything about your current lifestyle?  Then join us at and walk the road with us!  There is so much to come, and we cheer you on in faith as you strive to live with more intention!
We love you all, and thank each of you for your support over the years - you are truly a blessing to us!